28 Nov 2008

Feeling the pressure

Today is officially rubbish, I am really feeling the pressure of getting my dissertation handed in and tidying up all other bits for the handin deadline especially printmaking. Work tonight should take my mind off it but it'll still be there, looming in the morning! At least I have this lovely hibiscus flower that opened this morning to make me smile a bit. Also christmas makes me happy another 3 weeks and it'll all be over with until the final semester.


  1. That Hibiscus is a beauty and guarenteed to brighten the dullest day.

    My eldest is is his final year too, believe he is mid dissertation and then has to do a competition too.

    Good Luck with it, I know it can be a very stressful time.


  2. That is one beautiful bloom! Good luck in school! I found you through Blotanical, you have some very interesting plants here.


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